+46 21 417880 co@firstcontrol.se

Production diary

Reporting tool for production


The Production Diary is an optional tool which serves as common notebook for the production staff. All notes are assembled in the central SQL server which then updates and distributes the current information to all users automatically.

The tool can be used with any process. The user specifies the process structure and prepares standard events to make the work simpler for the user.
The user can make the notes in his own PC whenever he wants. As soon as his computer is connected to the production network, all new notes will automatically be transferred to the common database in the SQL server. At the same time the local diary will be uppdated to the factory status from SQL.
An example from a large distributed energy plant is shown in below. Unfortunately, it is in Swedish, but I think you should understand the principles.

Installation example

The production at Jönköping Energy is using the network diary to keep track of all production events handled by process operators or engineering support.

  • Process Tree
    The structure of the process is shown in the left upper part, The user selects the part he is interested in by clicking on it in the process tree.
  • Predefined events
    In the lower left part predefined process events for the selected process part are shown. The predefined events makes it easier for the user to report common events with a few clicks with the mouse.
  • List of events
    All reported events for the slected process part are shown in the event list to the right. The user can display all events or events during a specified time period. By clicking om a specific event he can add his own comments, e.g. if he has replaced a non-functioning sensor.
  • Reporting a new event
    If the user wants to report a new event, he simply clicks on the button in the lower right corner, and an event format is displayed where he fills in the data.